If you haven't been able to tell, I'm officially burned out on food journaling. I basically eat the same thing all the time anyway, so I don't feel too badly about my laziness!
The comments regarding my food journal have all been the same, and what I hear is, "ew, I could never eat like that, but kuddos to you!". It gets a chuckle out of me every time, because if I had read my own food journal a few years ago, I would have said the same thing. In fact, I probably would have called myself "fanatical" or "unbalanced". Granted, if I didn't have food sensitivities, I wouldn't be nearly as strict. I don't think I'm better than, or look down on those of you that eat bread with your deli ham. I've found something that works for my body, and I look and feel better than I have in YEARS.
Finding the path to your healthiest self is a journey not a sprint, and as you become more mindful about what you eat and how it affects you, you will discover what changes you need to make in order to be your personal best. All of what God has designed you to be. What I see over and over are people that are sick, tired, or injured, but who are not willing to give up the foods that are contributing to their maladies. Food is a powerful drug, and can be either very good or very bad. You just have to decide what is important to you. Is feeling your best worth sacrificing grains, sugar, dairy, or whatever is making you sick? Your answer may be no! It may be totally worth it to you to feel less than your best, but free to consume the foods you love. You may decide that it just takes to much thought, study, and preparation to dramatically change your eating habits. To make dietary changes, you WILL feel like food consumes your life for a while. But it's only for a relatively short period of time. Eventually, you will find what works for you, and it will become effortless. I can promise that it's worth the work to live your life to it's fullest potential.
Give it a shot: Paleo, (no grains, no sugar, no dairy) for 30 days.
After the 30 days, start to add those things back into your diet one at a time. Note how they make you feel. I promise that you will discover something about yourself that you didn't know! If you eat a piece of bread, or cake, or ice cream, does your stomach hates you for it? Bingo! Food sensitivity you didn't know you had. Our bodies can, in a way, build up immunities to the foods that we're sensitive or allergic to, but once they're removed for a period of time, and added back in...well, you'll know! Bad stuff happens. There are people who have been Celiac (gluten allergy) all their lives and never knew it. By the time they discover what has caused their IBS or other symptoms for years, their intestines are severely damaged, and it takes years to heal. Big time bummer. Or perhaps you have an auto immune disease that could be completely reversed if you stop eating what your body can't process properly. (Food was the cause of my Thyroid disease)
Ok, I'll quit rambling. I could talk FOREVER about this, so if you have any questions or concerns, just ask. Or perhaps you disagree with my nutritional advice. I'd like to hear your side of the story!
Oh, btw, want to know if I had any results from my last 30 days being strict Paleo?
--Tossed a pair of shorts won't stay up anymore
--Put ON a pair of jeans I wore pre-childbirth ;)
--Went down 1 whole size.
--Lost inches around my waist, hips and thighs
--Occasional tingling I get in my hands is gone. Most likely a result of cutting the sugar.
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